Contoh Narrative Teks dan Soal Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya - Kelas Edukasi

Contoh Narrative Teks dan Soal Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

Teks naratif (narrative)

adalah teks yang berisi tentang cerita imajinasi atau dongeng dan bertujuan untuk menghibur.
Jenis-jenis teks naratif adalah sebagai berikut.

a. Folklore (cerita rakyat) 

adalah salah satu jenis teks yang bermula dari penyampaian mulut ke mulut tentang dongeng atau cerita rakyat. Di Indonesia, banyak sekali teks yang berjenis folklore, antara lain cerita Bawang Merah, serta cerita Malin Kundang.

b. Legend (legenda) 

adalah salah satu jenis teks prosa rakyat yang dianggap oleh banyak orang sebagai sesuatu yang benar-benar terjadi. Oleh karena itu, legenda sering kali dianggap sebagai ‘sejarah’ kolektif. Contoh cerita legenda adalah legenda Sangkuriang dan legenda Candi Prambanan.

c. Myth (mitos) 

adalah salah satu jenis teks naratif yang tokohnya adalah para dewa atau makhluk setengah dewa yang terjadi di dunia lain pada masa lampau. Mitos pada umumnya menceritakan tentang terciptanya alam. Contohnya adalah cerita Nyai Roro Kidul (Ratu Laut Selatan).

d. Fable (fabel) 

adalah salah satu teks naratif yang menggunakan hewan sebagai tokoh utamanya. Contohnya adalah cerita Si Kancil.

e. Short Story (cerita pendek) 

adalah bentuk teks naratif yang bersifat fiktif Dan merupakan bentuk teks naratif yang paling mudah ditemukan. Contohnya adalah The Frog Prince dan Rapunzel.

Contoh dan Soal Narrative Teks
Contoh dan Soal Narrative Teks 

Berlatih Soal Tipe UN

The following text is for questions 1 to 6.
One day, a farmer and his son were walking to town with their donkey. They were going to sell the donkey to the market. On the road, they met some young girls. The girls laughed and said, “look how foolish they are! Both of them are walking, though one of them could be riding on the donkey.”when the fermer hard this, he told his son to get up on the donkey and ride.
But, soon they passed two men standing near the road.”look at that!” said one the men.” That young boy is riding while his poor old father has to walk.”  so, the son got off the donkey, and the farmer got on. They continued down the road toward town.
After a short time, they came to some old women standing at a corner. One of them asked the farmer,”how can you let your son walk while you ride? He must be verry tired. What kind of father are you?”so, the father lifted his son up, and both of them rode until they reached town. When they got to the town, a man saw them and asked,”is that donkey yours?””yes,” said the farmer.” You are making that animal work too hard,” said the man.”you should carry that donkey!”
The farmer and his son got off the donkey’s back. They carried the donkey using wooden stick and rop. At the town bridge, a crowd of people was laughing and pointing at them. The donkey was afraid of all the noise, so he began to pull loose the rope. Unfortunately, the donkey fell into the water below. 

1. Why were the farmer and his son goingto the market?
A. They wanted to sell their donkey.
B. They planned to go shopping.
C. They were sellers at the market.
D. They needed to buy the donkey food.
Meraka pergi untuk menjual keledai tersebut di pasar (“They were going to sell the monkey…”).
Jawaban: A
2. Who suggested that one of them, the farmer or his son, should ride the donkey?
A. Some young girls.
B. Two men.
C. Some old women.
D. The farmer. 
Berdasarakan teks, diketahui bahwa ketika petani dan anaknya melewati sekelompok gadis muda, mereka berdua ditertawakan. Kemudian sekelompok gadis tersebut menyarankan salah satu dari mereka untuk menaiki keledainya.
Jawaban: A

3. What happened when they passed two men near the road?
A. The son got off and and the father got on the donkey.
B. Some people said that they were cruel to the donkey.
C. The donkey got tired and broke its leg.
D. People said that they were correct.
E. They needed to buy the donkey food.
kedua lelaki tersebut mengomentari mereka sehingga kemudian anak lelaki itu turun dan berganti sang petani yang menaiki keledai (Paragraf 3).
Jawaban: A

4. Why did the farmer and the boy decide to carry the donkey?
A. The farmer and the son were not tired anymore.
B. They wanted to throw the donkey into the water.
C. Someone suggested them to do so.
D. The donkey looked tired.
E. They needed to buy the donkey food.
sang petani dan anak lelakinya memutuskan untuk turun dari keledai dan justru membawanya setelah seorang lelaki mengomentari mereka (“You are making that animal work too hard,” said the man.”You should carry that donkey!”).
Jawaban: C

5. What happened to the donkey?
A. It ran away
B. It fell into the water.
C. It kicked the farmer.
D. It attacked the people.
E. They needed to buy the donkey food.
Keledai itu jatuh setelah mencoba kabur dari keramaian (“….Unfortunately, the donkey fell into the water below”).
Jawaban: B

6. What lesson does this story teach us?
A. Don’t just accept anything you hear.
B. Helping each other is a good way to keep a friendship.
C. If you go with a donkey, you must be careful.
D. People want us to be sad and poor.
E. They needed to buy the donkey food.
Secara keseluruhan, isi teks menceritakan perjalanan petani dan anak lelakinya yang hendar menjual keledai di pasar. Namun, mereka menemui banyak orang yang terus member komentar terhadap bagaimana mereka seharusnya melalui perjalanan tersebut. Pada akhirnya, setelah sang petani dan anaknya justru mengikuti saran atau komentar orang-orang tersebut, mereka tetap saja ditertawakan orang di sekeliling mereka ketika mereka melakukan kesalahan. Pesan yang dapat dipelajari dari cerita tersebut, yaitu kalian tidak harus selalu menerima begitu saja terhadap apa yang orang lain katakan.
Jawaban: A 

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Contoh Narrative Teks dan Soal Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya Contoh Narrative Teks dan Soal Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya  Reviewed by Ahmad Sobri on Oktober 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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